Bacterial Vaginosis

Hell friends !! today we are going to talk about bacterial vaginosis
Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is the most common (50%) cause of vaginal complaints in the United States. It is not a true infection, but rather an alteration in concentrations of normal vaginal bacteria.
  • The normal predominant lactobacilli are replaced by massive increases in concentrations of anaerobic species and facultative aerobes. 
  • It is frequently seen postmenopausally because of low levels of estrogen.
  • Bacterial vaginosis is not sexually transmitted, but rather is associated with sexual activity.
  • its may cause pelivic inflamatory diseases(PID)
 The most common patient complaint is a fishy odor. Itching and burning are not present.

Speculum examination: The vaginal discharge is typically thin, grayish-white. No vaginal inflammation is noted. Vaginal pH is elevated >4.5. A positive “whiff” test is elicited when KOH is placed on the discharge, releasing a fishy odor.

Microscopic examination reveals “clue cells” on a saline preparation. These are normal vaginal epithelial cells with the normally sharp cell borders obscured by increased numbers of anaerobic bacteria. WBCs are rarely seen.

Management: Oral or vaginal metronidazole or clindamycin; metronidazole is safe during pregnancy (including first trimester).

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