Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry free pdf

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  •  Author(s): Victor W. Rodwell, David Bender, Kathleen M. Botham, Peter J. Kennelly, P. Anthony Weil

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education / Medical, Year: 2018.


Gain a full understanding of the principles of biochemistry as it relates to clinical medicine
The Thirty-First Edition of Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry continues to emphasize the link between biochemistry and the understanding of disease states, disease pathology, and the practice of medicine. Featuring a full-color presentation and numerous medically relevant examples, Harper’s presents a clear, succinct review of the fundamentals of biochemistry that every student must understand in order to succeed in medical school. 

  • All 58 chapters help you understand the medical relevance of biochemistry:

•Full-color presentation includes more than 600 illustrations
•Case studies emphasize the clinical relevance of biochemistry 
•NEW CHAPTER on Biochemistry of Transition Metals addresses the importance and overall pervasiveness of  transition metals
•Review Questions follow each of the eleven sections
•Boxed Objectives define the goals of each chapter
•Tables encapsulate important information
•Every chapter includes a section on the biomedical importance of a given topic

•Emphasis throughout on the integral relationship between biochemistry and disease, diagnostic pathology, and medical practice
•Hundreds of references to disease states throughout
•New chapter addressing the biochemical roles of transition metals
•Many updated review questions
•Frequent tables summarizing key links to disease states
•New text on cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM)
•Cover picture of the protein structure of the Zika virus, solved by cryo-EM

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